The official registered date of the 1st Castle Hill group was the 18th November 1915. We’ve turned 100 years old and we’re still feeling young!

Records show that meetings were held at 7.30pm on Thursday nights at Mr Lamonts shed on a property in Castle Street. Uniforms in those days were purchased from Anthony Hordens in Sydney with a Hat costing 11s – 11d, and Pants heavily lined surg 10s – 6d.

From 1932 the group held meetings in a tin shed at the back of St Pauls Parish, the hall lit by hurricane lamps. “Our meetings at the time were held in an old tin shed with earth floor, the shed had no electricity and many of our meetings were held on Friday nights and playing games was a very dusty affair” said Scout Master Lanefer.

October 1935 Allan Williams was appointed Scout Master, meetings were now held in Sunday School Hall of the Methodist church.

In 1938 Council offered land at the back of their chambers, fundraising began in earnest to build a hall, “Guineas and Half Guineas began to flow into out coffers” donations from local businesses included bricks, sand, cement from Castle Hill tile works, Mr Mason donated tiles for the roof, Mr Smith donated the plumbing, Mr Tuckwell the flagpole, Mr Stephens installed the electric light and Mr Burt Stafford was the builder. (The present hall is named the “Stafford Hut” in his honour).

In 1948 the committee purchased land in Dural Lane (now known as Rowallan Avenue and where the scouts reside today). They moved the original scout hall with the generous assistance of the council, to the current site at Dural Lane (Rowallan Avenue) Castle Hill.