Pioneer Camp Craft

See also: Explorer Campcraft | Adventurer Campcraft | Related Links

To achieve the Pioneer Campcraft Target, the Scout must complete all of the requirements for No’s 1 to 8

  1. Knots and Lashings
    1. Know the Scoutcraft knots: Reef knot, Clove Hitch, Sheet Bend and Rolling Hitch.
    2. Learn the following lashings
      1. square lashing
      2. round lashing
      3. prussick square lashing for synthetic rope: prussick knot on pole and modified surgeons’ knot. 
  2. Fire and Fuel
    1. Know the fire regulations that apply outdoors in your State or Territory.
    2. Explain the safety precautions to be taken with fires in camp.
    3. Learn how to light and extinguish a fire in dry conditions.
    4. Demonstrate how to set up and operate two types of stoves, either gas or fuel, or how to select and cut firewood.
    5. Know the dangers of gas or fuel lanterns.
  3. Safety and survival
    1. Learn the precautions to be taken for the following:
      1. to avoid becoming separated from your Patrol and lost.
      2. to avoid sunburn, sunstroke, heat exhaustion and skin cancer.
      3. swimming in unknown waters.
    2. Demonstrate an understanding of:
      1. practical traffic safety for a Patrol hike.
      2. the correct footwear to use at scouting activities
  4. Navigation.
    Learn and demonstrate the following:

    1. the eight principal points of the compass and their equivalent in degrees.
    2. the use and care of a compass
    3. the relationship between true and magnetic north.
    4. how to set and follow a bearing
    5. how to read a map including scale, legend, date of issue, grid references contour lines.
  5. Cooking
    Assist in the cooking of at least three camp meals
  6. Camp Activity. 
    With your Patrol:

    1. Learn about the following:
      1. personal hygiene in camp
      2. care of bedding
      3. protection against insects
      4. learn how to pitch, strike, dry and store a tent.
    2. Assemble personal equipment for a weekend camp.
    3. Prepare a menu and food list for a weekend camp.
    4. Select and lay out a Patrol camp site.
  7. Journey
    With at least four other members of your Patrol, plan and go on a hike of at least one day on tracked terrain in a familiar area. The purpose of this hike should be to provide an environment to put into practice relevant skills learnt. The hike must be monitored by an Adult Leader to ensure the safety of the Scouts. All government and Branch rules and regulations must be complied with.
  8. Camps
    With your Patrol or other Scouts have camped out in tents for a minimum of six nights.